The Public and Media Relations Unit of the Federal Ministry of Finance is an extension of the Federal Ministry of Information and Communication established to provide effective Public Relations and Public Information management to the Ministry. IT FUNCTIONS TO:

  • Formulate and articulate a dynamic strategy for achieving effective Media and Public Relations functions to the Ministry;
  • Responsible for projecting the programs, policies, plans, and activities of the Ministry through Press Releases/ Statements, Press Conferences, Features Articles, Pamphlets, Brochures, Posters, Films/Photos, Journals, and Public Lectures;
  • Provide adequate Press coverage of all activities of the Ministry and ensure prompt and detailed publicity of the Ministry’s policies and programs;
  • Monitor all public opinion and reactions to the Ministry’s/ Extra Ministerial Departments’ plans, policies, projects, and achievements by reviewing and analyzing on a regular basis, all local and foreign media reports, both electronic and print which concern or affects the Ministry and its Extra Ministerial Departments and ensuring that clippings are cut and preserved as future reference materials;
  • Inform, educate and enlighten all the different publics with regards to the activities, actions, policies, and programs of the Ministry;
  • Issue rejoinders, where the need arises, on any adverse publication on the activities of the Ministry/Extra Ministerial Department and attend to press inquiries;
  • Organize and provide press coverage of familiarization tours and facility visits; Carry out a post-campaign evaluation of the enlightenment programs;
  • Place in the mass media all advertisements, jingles, and announcements for the Ministry/Extra Ministerial Department; Liaise with the Federal Ministry of Information and related Government Agencies;
  • Liaise with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the processing of Note Verbale for officers of the Ministry who are on official assignment outside the country;
  • Process Standard/Official Passport at the Nigerian Immigration Service Office.
  • Provide Protocol formalities for the HMF, HMSF, Perm Sec, and DG Budget at the Airport and other engagement/functions.
  • Provide protocol assistance to the immediate families of the HMF, HMSF, Perm Sec, and DG Budget as directed. Liaise with event organizers at functions involving the principal officers of the Ministry. Provide Hotel reservations for both local and foreign delegates on events hosted by the Ministry.

The Press Unit issues news releases on key economic issues as directed by the HMFBNPand other activities of the HMFBNP/the Ministry. The Unit processed and placed advertisements in the print and electronic media on important events organized by the Ministry. The unit handles Media relations, guest relations, publications, and manages publicity of the organization.

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