The General Service Department is one of the departments created in 2013 to strengthen service delivery in the Federal Civil Service, through the enhancement of the capacities of all Departments in MDAs for the optimal realization of their corporate mandates:

  • To generally give specialized technical/management support services to all Departments and Units towards ensuring the efficient discharge of their statutory responsibilities;
  • To ensure optimal and capacity utilization of all facilities within the Ministry;
  • Provide a conducive and secure working environment, and ensure value for money on all services rendered to the Ministry.

Highlights of the core mandate are as follows:

  • Handling security Matters;
  • General Stores Management;
  • Clean Health and Management wastes.
  • Office Allocation and Maintenance.
  • Management of Plants and Equipment/Lifts, Utility Services i.e. Electricity, Water, Telephone, PABX; General Facility Management. Transport Administration;
  • Any other business that may be assigned by the Permanent Secretary from time to time.

Our leadership


Director General Services