To Reposition the Department through Capacity Building in an Efficient and Effective manner so as to achieve its mandate on Research and Policy Management.


Economics Research and Policy Management Department is made up of four (4) divisions, which is headed by a Director.

  • Macroeconomics Division


  • Undertake a Systematic Analysis of Macroeconomic Trends in Nigeria
  • Conduct Macroeconomic Research on Topical Issues
  • Using Econometric Model to Forecast Revenue
  • Using Econometric Model to Forecast Expenditure
  • Monitor and Track Macroeconomic Indicators of the Nigerian Economy
  • Monitor the Implementation of FEC Policy/Project Decisions that relates to the FMFBNP and its Parastatals/Agencies
  • Participate at other National and International fora on Economic Matters
  • Represent the Department at the FAAC Meetings/Activities
  • Monitor and Analyze Developments in relevant Regional/International Organizations e.g. ECOWAS, UNDP, OPEC
  • Represents the Ministry at Joint Economic Commission
  • Generate Data and Information required to evaluate and plan the activities of the Ministry
  • Interface with other Ministries, Extra-Ministerial Departments, and Agencies in the area of economic research & development, and policy matters.


  • Policy Division


  • Provide inputs for economic policy initiatives
  • Reviewing, Evaluating and Implementing Government Economic Policies
  • Track Implementation of Economic Policy Initiatives of the Federal Government
  • Monitoring and Evaluation of Government approved Capital Projects
  • Serve as Secretariat to top Management meeting of the Ministry and its Parastatals and Agencies
  • Undertake Research and Analysis of Government Economic Policies
  • Collaboration with other Ministries on Economic Policy Matters
  • Serve as Secretariat to Strategic Revenue Growth Initiative.


  • Statistics & Publication Division


  • Analyzing and Tracking Development issues and investments in the Country
  • Production of publications like Annual Report of the Ministry
  • Quarterly Performance Report of the Economy
  • Coordinate collation of scorecard template (KPIs) for Departments and Parastatals of the Ministry
  • In conjunction with a representative from ICT, represents the Ministry in open data policy Programme under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Communication Technology
  • Organization of the Ministry’s  Sectoral Consultative Committee on Statistics
  • Representing the Ministry at the meeting of Government Finance Statistics organized by CBN


  • Library Division


  • Acquisition of library books and equipment.
  • Cataloguing and Classification of books.
  • Purchase of Newspaper, Journal and Magazines.
  • Current Awareness Services (CAS)
  • Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI

Our leadership


Director Economic Research and Policy Management