Since its inception, PICA has been funded by the Federal Government through the Service Wide Votes. The primary focus of the Presidential Initiative on Continuous Audit (PICA) is to put systems and frameworks in place over finance and spending of government revenue. Our goal is to maximize the utilization of the resources through continuous assurance, so as to ensure that requirements for improved efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability are met.

The Department also administers the WHISTLEBLOWING UNIT: The main activities of the Unit are:

  • Investigation activities on the various tips submitted vide the Portal by the public.
  • Organizing and attending town hall Meetings on whistle-blowing matters to sensitize the public on Whistle-blowing activities.
  • Investigation of MDA’s found to be violating TSA and other forms of Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) reforms on payroll management.
  • Development of Whistleblowing and witness protection bills.

Our leadership